December 31, 2006

عمرو دياب و محمد عبده ونجوى كرم وعبد الله بالخير

قررت شركة روتانا تأجيل جميع الإصدارات حتى اشعار آخر دون تحديد اليوم او التاريخ الجديد لطرح البومات النجوم مثل محمد عبده ونجوى كرم وعمرو دياب وعبد الله بالخير حيث كان مقرراً طرحها خلال هذا الشهر وذكر موقع إيلاف أن الفنانة اللبنانية نجوى كرم لم تكن تعد البوما غنائياًَ كاملاً بل أغنية منفردة تحمل عنوان بحكيك مابحكيك وتم التأجيل بسبب تحويل الأغنية الى ديو مع الموسيقار ملحم بركات.

اما ألبوم فنان العرب محمد عبده فقد تم تأجيله بسبب استمرار الطلب على أغنيته الأخيرة «الأماكن» التي مازالت تحصد نجاحاً كبيراً في الوطن العربي ويحقق الالبوم نجاحا ملحوظاً.
وألبوم الفنان الإماراتي عبد الله بالخير والذي سيطلق عليه عنوان «البلخيريون 200 الف حبيب» تم تأجيله لاسباب غير معلومة لكن المتوقع ان يكون قد قام ببعض التغييرات او الإضافات على أغنيات الالبوم.

وعلى الرغم من ان اعلانات الحفل الكبير الذي سيحييه النجم عمرو دياب في دبي على مدرج ومسرح مدينة دبي الإعلامية مع بداية العام 2007، تروّج لسماع أغنيات جديدة للألبوم المنتظر «خليك معايا»، إلا انه تم تأجيله هو الآخر الى موعد غير محدد من دون ذكر الأسباب، مع العلم ان مواقع تحميل الإغنيات باتت تطرح مقتطفات ومقاطع من الاغنيات الجديدة للالبوم المقبل، وهو الالبوم الاخير لعمرو دياب مع شركة روتانا.

December 23, 2006

Amr Diab goes the limit to protect his music

Egyptian pop star Amr Diab is using a new strategy to protect his music from internet piracy. The singer completed recording the songs for his new album "Khalik Ma'aya" (Stay with me) all at once, and made sure that the recording studio was well protected.

Amr aims to release the album on New Year’s Eve, December 31 in Dubai’s Media City, a tradition of Amr.

“Khaleek Ma’aya” is also the title of the main song, along with expected hits “Kalatli Akool” (She told me to say) and “Dahikat” (She Smiled), composed by Amr.

The album will be Amr’s last to be produced by ‘Rotana,’ according to his contract. Amr has signed with an Egyptian company ‘Good News for Music,’ owned by Imad Adeeb.

The new contract states that the company will produce three albums for Amr in addition to films.

From Al Bawaba

December 19, 2006

عمرو دياب يحمي أغانيه من السرقة بأسلوبه

اتبع النجم الشهير عمرو دياب اسلوبا جديدا لحماية أغانيه من السرقة والتسرب عبر شبكة الانترنت.

هذا و قام عمرو بتركيب صوته علي جميع أغنيات ألبومه الجديد (خليك معايا) دفعة واحدة، وذلك داخل أحد الاستديوهات وسط اجراءات أمنية مشددة، حيث لا يسمح لأحد بالاقتراب من غرفة التسجيل سوي مهندس الصوت، ويحاول عمرو الانتهاء من الألبوم في أسرع وقت حتي يطرحه خلال رأس السنة كعادته من كل سنة، حسب موقع بانوراما.

من ناحية اخري يبدأ عمرو جولة عالمية يبدأها بحفل دبي الذي من المقرر أن يقام يوم 11 من يناير/كانون الثاتي المقبل على المسرح المفتوح في مدينة دبي للإعلام.

هذا وقد نفدت تذاكر حفل المطرب المصري والذي تقيمه شركة صان دانس ، ويشارك دياب في الغناء في الحفل النجمة اللبنانية نيكول سابا.
From Al Bawaba

November 23, 2006

Amr Diab bids Rotana farewell

Amr Diab is currently celebrating the completion of his upcoming album, which is scheduled for release on December 31, 2006 in Dubai. The launch will be made during a grand event that he will perform at on the stage of Duba’s Media City.

According to the London based Elaph, Amr decided to give the album the title “Khaleek Ma’aya” (Stay with me), which his also the name of the main song. In the album the singer presents two songs “Kalatli Akool” (She told me to say) and “Dahikat” (She Smiled) composed by him alone.

This album will be the last one to be produced by the production company Rotana, according to a contract the singer has signed with them. Amr had made the decision of not renewing his contract and signed with the company Good News For Music, which is an Egyptian company owned by Imad Adeeb.

The new contract states that the company will produce three albums for Amr in addition to producing films.

On a different note, concert agents in Egypt and around the Arab world were shocked when Diab turned down all offers to hold performances during the holy month of Ramadan. The singer had given his initial acceptance to hold some concerts.

Diab explained that he intended to go to Saudi Arabia to perform the religious pilgrimage ‘Umra,’ and that he made the decision at the beginning of the holy month to dedicate the last ten days to prayer.
From Al Bawaba

November 6, 2006

Amr Diab suffering from heart problems!

Sources have revealed that prominent Egyptian pop-star Amr Diab is secretly seeing a popular cardiologist on a weekly basis. The singer had attempted to keep the matter a secret from the public, but the fact that his car has been vandalized twice in the parking lot of the doctor’s clinic has caused to the secret to be revealed.

Close contacts to Amr have denied that the visit are due to a deterioration in the singer’s heart condition, and stressed that a very close friendship ties Amr to the doctor and the visits are merely social.

Diab is placing the final touches on his upcoming album. He has recorded several songs and will select the best to include on the album, his last under his contract with production company ‘Rotana.’

The singer did not reveal whether he will renew his contract.

Concert agents in Egypt and around the Arab world were shocked when Diab turned down all offers to hold performances during the holy month of Ramadan. The singer had given his initial acceptance to hold some concerts.

Diab explained that he intended to go to Saudi Arabia to perform the religious pilgrimage ‘Umra,’ and that he made the decision at the beginning of the holy month to dedicate the last ten days to prayer.

From Al Bawaba

November 5, 2006

Amr Diab on a strict Diet

Egyptian pop-star Amr Diab has gone on a strict diet and began exercising in order to loose 10 kilos. The singer is determined to loose weight before filming first video clip from his upcoming album.

Music production company ‘Rotana’ demanded that Amr submit the master copy of his upcoming album, to ensure that it is released at the appropriate time, according to ‘Rotana’ officials.

Amr pushed to record the songs for the new album in an effort to meet the deadline set by ‘Rotana,’ but suddenly decided to postpone the release, due to the recent tragic conditions that have hit the region.

It was rumored that Rotana sent the demand after learning that the singer had reopened negotiations with his previous production company ‘Alam El Phan,’ fearing he may leave ‘Rotana.’

Supposedly Amr has been holding talks with Muhsin Jabr, owner of ‘Alam El Phan,’ in order to decide on a new satellite music channel the two intend on launching.

From Al Bawaba

November 1, 2006

Amr Diab skeptical about renewing contract with ‘Rotana’

Amr Diab is placing the final touches on his upcoming album. He has recorded several songs and will select the best to include on the album, his last under his contract with production company ‘Rotana.’

According to the London based Elaph, the singer did not reveal whether he will renew his contract.

Concert agents in Egypt and around the Arab world were shocked when Diab turned down all offers to hold performances during the holy month of Ramadan. The singer had given his initial acceptance to hold some concerts.

Diab explained that he intended to go to Saudi Arabia to perform the religious pilgrimage ‘Umra,’ and that he made the decision at the beginning of the holy month to dedicate the last ten days to prayer.

On a different note, music producer Yousif Harb organized a tour last March for Diab and the Lebanese band the Four Cats in the United States. During the tour Harb and Diab were accused by an Arab concert agent Maurice Asadoryan in the US of committing fraud.

Asadoryan filed a lawsuit in New Jersey District Court against Harb and Diab accusing them of working illegally in the US under false names. He also accused Diab of not paying taxes in Egypt. The lawsuit included a number of Diab’s associates who allegedly forged contracts for him and Harb.

The judge acquitted Diab and Harb due to a lack of jurisdiction. Diab and Harb have filed a counter complaint against Maurice accusing him of extortion.

From Al Bawaba

October 25, 2006

Amr Diab refuses to sing

Concert agents in Egypt and around the Arab world were in shock when prominent Egyptian singer Amr Diab turned down every offer to hold any performances during the holy month of Ramadan. The singer surprised everyone with his decision not to sing due to the fact that he had previously given an initial acceptance to hold some concerts.

The singer justified his refusal by stating that he is preparing to travel to Saudi Arabia to perform the religious pilgrimage Umra. He added that he had made a decision from the beginning of the holy month to dedicate the last ten days to worshiping only.

Amr had also recorded a number of religious sonnets and prayers and had postponed recording songs for his upcoming album until Ramadan is over.

On a different note, msic producer Yousif Harb organized a tour last March for prominent Diab and the Lebanese band the Four Cats. During the tour he and Diab were unfortunately allegedly accused of being con artists by an Arab concert agent named Maurice Asadoryan in the US.

Maurice filed a lawsuit in New Jersey District Court against Harb and Diab accusing them of working illegally in the United States under false names. He also accused Diab of avoiding to pay taxes in Egypt. The lawsuit included a number of Amr’s associates who allegedly forged contracts in favor of the singer and Harb.

The judge released a verdict in favor of Amr and Harb due to a lack of jurisdiction. Amr and Harb have filed a counter complaint against Maurice accusing him of extortion.

From Al Bawaba

October 16, 2006

October 3, 2006

US court rules in favor of Amr Diab

Music producer Yousif Harb organized a tour last March for prominent Egyptian singer Amr Diab and the Lebanese band the Four Cats. During the tour he and Diab were unfortunately allegedly accused of being con artists by an Arab concert agent named Maurice Asadoryan in the US.

Maurice filed a lawsuit in New Jersey District Court against Harb and Diab accusing them of working illegally in the United States under false names. He also accused Diab of avoiding to pay taxes in Egypt. The lawsuit included a number of Amr’s associates who allegedly forged contracts in favor of the singer and Harb.

The judge released a verdict in favor of Amr and Harb due to a lack of jurisdiction. According to the London based Elaph, Amr and Diab have filed a counter complaint against Maurice accusing him of extortion.

On a different note, Diab has gone into seclusion to place the final touches on his upcoming album, which he plans to release during the Muslim holiday Eid Al Fitr.

The singer has worked with some of the most talented composers and accomplished distributors to ensure the album’s success.

Amr said that his new album features many surprises and he is optimistic it will meet the satisfaction of his loyal fans.

From Al Bawaba

September 29, 2006

September 28, 2006

September 27, 2006

September 26, 2006

September 25, 2006

September 24, 2006

September 22, 2006

September 19, 2006

September 17, 2006

September 10, 2006

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September 1, 2006

August 20, 2006

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August 13, 2006

August 8, 2006

August 3, 2006

July 20, 2006

July 19, 2006

July 16, 2006

July 15, 2006

July 8, 2006

July 5, 2006

June 8, 2006

Amr Diab in mourning

Amr Diab has cancelled his concert tour in Germany scheduled for May 27 due to the sudden death of his life long friend Ashraf Foad, the drummer in his band.

The singer apologized to his German fans, stating that he did not want to perform out of respect for his dear friend.

Ashraf was playing squash with Amr, when Foad suffered a heart attack.

Before the tragedy, Diab was preparing to film a new music video “Wihkaytak Aih” (What Is Your Story) under the direction of Sharif Sabri, business manager of controversial singer Ruby. Filming was scheduled to begin in May.

The singer and the director refused to reveal any details regarding the clip, stressing they want to keep it a surprise for Amr’s fans.

Diab decided to screen his latest music video for the song “Wi Malo” (What If) in cinema houses across Egypt, a precedent for an Arab music video.

Amr filmed the clip in London with a budget of over 2 million Egyptian pounds under the direction of two international directors, who directed clips for Sting.

Critics have described the clip as one of the best in Arabic music history.

From Al Bawaba

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